Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A New Year, A Fresh Start.....go blog!

Ive had this blog for a month now and its about damn time i actually start posting. Im sick of being the creep only ever reads other people's blogs (in my defence, you guys are fairly interesting once in a while...). So here we go. First post.

I think having a blog is a pretty good idea. I used to have a Xanga (does anyone even know what that is?) and i wrote in it pretty frequently and nowadays i get a real kick out of reading through old posts and laughing at myself and the stupid shit id put on the internet. Im sure ill be doing the same with this thing in a few years, though i am much cooler now.

Im sure this blog will be a scattered mess of thoughts and ideas but id like for it to have recurring topics and themes revolving around my mega resolutions for 08. I know what youre probably thinking: "fuck new years resolutions vanessa. After 3 weeks, youll be back to your old ways and writin alllllll about em". Well friends, its been three weeks now and im still doing a pretty good job at holding em up. I should clarify however that I didnt enumerate a list of goals and objectives for the year to constantly be reviewed and revised in the hopes that the upcoming months wouldnt be a series of repeats and regrets. I think traditional new years resolution planning is rather silly, actually. Instead im adopting a lifestyle change and though its been in the works since 07, i really kicked it into high gear soon after the countdown.

Essentially, Im trying to live a healthier lifestyle. This encompasses a lot but im focusing mostly on eating better, sleeping more and going to the gym on a regular basis. I also want to work on improving my brain's health. It has undergone a great deal of torture by being subjected not only to various substances, but by having to cope with some of the people around me who have caused me grief. I am therefore going to continue weeding through my life and giving the boot to the people, places and things that i know will only work against what im trying to accomplish.

That being said, here's to a new year and the freshest start yet.


Potter Family said...

Glad you have a blog Vanessa. We have one too, it's on my facebook under webpage. Goodluck with the resolutions, I know you can do it, if your the same Vanessa I knew what...10 years ago??? We're getting old! Love ya! Catherine

marriagematerial said...

Go V Go!
I'm rootin for ya hun.
um... p.s. why are we such bad friends?! what is up with us never communicating? i miss you. x